Preschool News

Posted October 24, 2016

kids-with-fall-pumpkins-clip-art-kids-with-fall-pumpkins-image-esfh7x-clipartLanguage, Literacy, and Communication

Research has shown time and time again that young children who develop strong language and communication skills are more likely to arrive at elementary school ready to learn. This sets them on the path to becoming strong readers and writers. The preschool years are the foundation upon which these literacy skills are built.  At our school we foster our students devolving language, literacy and communication skills when we talk, sing and interact with them.  It is a noisy process with a lot of talking, laughing, and sharing of ideas. Our conversations with children are authentic and never scripted.  We encourage children to ask questions, talk freely about their experiences and to express their ideas in their own words.

We learn new vocabulary through songs, nursery rhymes, stories and meaningful experiences.

Special Days

Remember: In celebration of Veteran’s day there is no school on Friday, November 11th. Classroom Halloween Celebration: October 27th, October 28th, and October 31st

Beginning Nov. 1st we’ll have an opening on Wed. or Thur. Please let us know if you’re interested in adding an additional day.


Goat update: The barnyard is nearly finished! All we need is a couple of days without rain so that we can paint the goat’s new home.

Weather Reminder:

Winter is sneaking up on us quickly. Please remember to have your little one prepared to enjoy our outdoor environment as we do make a point to go outside every day. You may need to update your children’s spare clothes to make sure they match the changing climate!

Halloween CelebrationDecember Newsletter